About Me

Sydney Parkhurst
At the beginning of the pandemic in April 2020, I received a Instagram DM from a girl claiming to be my half sister. As a transracial adoptee (biracial/half black, adopted by a white family) who has always been curious about her birth family, I knew that this text would change my life. And it did.
I was raised in a predominately – white community and experienced things such as separation anxiety, microagressions and identity crises for the majority of my life. Taking a DNA test and finding my half sister was just the beginning of my journey to finding my identity.
At the University of Tampa, I took a writing class and chose adoption as my subject for a research paper. I assumed all I would have to do is tell my story, do a little research and I’d get an automatic A right? Well, that’s not exactly what happened. As I was researching, I came across the words “transracial adoption”. Ironically, I had absolutely no idea what that meant, but when I found out, my whole world was flipped upside down.
Suddenly, all of my anxiety, confusion, and feelings about being out of place were justified. I wasn’t alone.
For me, it has been a journey of realization and self-love that got me to where I am now. My goal is to educate parents who plan to or have already transracially adopted about what it takes to raise a child of a different race. I also am very passionate about speaking to other adoptees, hearing/sharing their stories and showing them that they are not alone.
Transracial adoption is not a topic that is talked about very often and not many people even know what it is. I plan to spread awareness to the subject through social media platforms.
My life as an adoptee has not been easy, but I have also been blessed with opportunities that may have not happened if I wasn’t adopted. I hope that I can inspire others with the knowledge of transracial adoption and my passion for change.