My First Blog! – Introduction

Welcome to my website! I am so excited to start posting on here and can’t wait to share some ideas and spread some awareness about transracial adoption.

A little bit about me, I am a senior at the University of Tampa and am studying Communications. I am very passionate about film and writing and am hoping to get a job doing both in the future. I am currently at the University of Tampa because I received a research grant. What is that grant for you ask? You guessed it: Transracial Adoption.

As I mention on the front page of my website, I was writing a research paper for my writing class and decided my topic was going to be about adoption. I went into the research thinking that it was going to be easy since I was adopted and I thought, what else could I possibly learn, I lived it. But wow was I wrong. I came across the words ‘transracial adoption’ and immediately got obsessed with researching (it’s the INFJ in me) and found a woman named Angela Tucker who I decided had my ideal life. If you don’t know who Angela is and you’re an adoptee, I would definitely recommend looking her up because she’s amazing!

Anyways, I continued to research and realized that I was in fact transracially adopted. I also realized that a lot of the thoughts and feelings people were describing such as separation anxiety, forms of microaggressions, and more, were all what I had felt at some point in my life.

After writing the paper and turning it in, my professor approached me and asked if I wanted to apply for a research grant so I could continue researching this subject. Of course, I said yes. I was so far deep into researching, I didn’t want to stop! So that brings us to today. As you know, I got the grant (yay!) and I am now in the process of continuing my research. Part of my project is going to be writing an Autoethnography and submitting it to an undergraduate journal, but the other half (the fun half) is going to be making a Youtube Channel. I am planning on interviewing other transracial adoptees and making videos surrounding the subject of adoption. This whole summer will be filled with me researching, reading books (that I might review we’ll see), and making videos. I am so excited!

However, before I start, I should probably give you a little glimpse into my adoption story. I was adopted when I was about a month old, and grew up in a predominately white town with white parents. I always knew that I looked different and that I was most likely a different race, but I was never sure. It wasn’t until my senior year of high school that I found out that I was half black. Did this shock me? A little. But part of me always had a feeling.

I won’t get into all of the details about my story and other topic since this is only an introduction post, but I will say that I am so excited to start posting on here as well as my Youtube channel.

I hope you all enjoy my blogs (if anyone is reading this) and videos and please feel free to contact me if you ever have any questions or just want to chat!

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